Foreign currency exchange

This task is about completing a table about a number pattern.


The bank charges twenty New Zealand dollars (NZ$20) to send money to the United States of America, for any amount of money sent. 

In 1999, two New Zealand dollars (NZ$2) bought one United States dollar (US$1).

a) Complete the table to show the cost in NZ dollars (NZ$), including bank charges, of sending the different US dollar (US$) amounts.
US$ 40 80 120 160 200
NZ$ 100 180      
Complete the sentence to describe the rule giving the full NZ dollar cost of sending money to the United States of America.
Multiply the number of US dollars by __________ and then __________ .
On the graph below, plot the values from the table above.

From your graph, estimate how many US dollars could be sent with NZ$350. $ __________