Cost of communication

This task is about interpreting a line graph
The graph below shows the setting-up costs for three different types of communication links.
Costs over distance of different types of Communication links
graph showing costs of 3 different communication links: radio, copper wire and fibre optic cable


a)  Which would be the most expensive link to use for a distance of 2 km?
    • Radio link

    • Copper cable link

    • Fibre optic cable link

Question 1Change answer

b)  How much would it cost to set up a radio link for 1.5 km? $

Question 2Change answer

c)  Estimate what it would cost to set up a fibre optic link over a distance of 1 km. $

Question 3Change answer

d)  Up to what distance is it cheaper to use copper cable links rather than radio links?  km

Question 4Change answer

e)  Make a general statement comparing the cost of fibre optic and copper cable links.