This task is about interpreting a line graph.

The two lines on the graph above show Anahera's journey to kura on Monday and Tuesday last week.
On Monday, Anahera walked the 3 kilometres to kura by herself.
On Tuesday, she ran to Hemi's place, waited a little while for him, and then they both walked on to kura together.
a) |
Complete the KEY on the right by writing Monday and Tuesday alongside the correct line.
b) |
How long did it take Anahera to get to kura on
i) ii) |
Monday? __________ minutes
Tuesday? __________ minutes |
c) |
How long did she wait for Hemi? __________ minutes
d) |
Complete a line on the graph to find out how long it would have taken Anahera to get to kura on Tuesday if she had run all the way without stopping.
How long would it have taken? _____________ minutes.