L Patterns

This task is about continuing a spatial pattern and finding the rule.

Suli is playing with counters, making letter Ls of various sizes, like this:


a) Complete this table, giving the total number of counters in letter Ls of different sizes:

Height of letter L (counters)
3 4 5 6 7 8

Total number of counters
4 6 8        
How many counters in total would be needed to make a letter L that is ...






10 counters high? __________ counters
16 counters high? __________ counters
37 counters high? __________ counters
Explain or write a rule that describes how to work out the total number of counters needed from the height of an L-shape.
d) If the total number of counters was 40, how many counters high would the letter L be?
____________ counters