Managing fire

This task is about measuring time to make observations and using the data collected for evidence for making decisions.
Watch the video.
It shows two sofas burning. One is treated to be resistant to fire and one isn’t.
Record three important events in the table below.
Watch the video again as many times as you like.
HINT: It might be easier to record times and observations on a piece of paper before entering into the table, and/or work with a partner.

Question 2Change answer

Time Treated sofa Untreated sofa

Question 2Change answer

Use the data in your table to write a sentence describing the pattern of the burning of the treated sofa.

Question 2Change answer

Use the data in your table to write a sentence describing the pattern of the burning of the untreated sofa.


Does the treatment to slow down burning really work?
    • Yes

    • No

    • I'm not sure

Use evidence from your table to support your answer.


How sure are you that what you saw in the video is what will always happen?
    • Very sure

    • Quite sure

    • Not at all sure

What could you do to be more sure?