Springs II

Carrying Out and Recording
Springs will stretch if a force pulls on them. The amount of stretch depends upon the size of the force.
Your task is to find how a spring stretches as masses are added to it. 
Carrying Out - set up the experiment. An example of a possible set up is shown in the diagram below:
What is the reading for the spring length on the meter ruler before the mass stack is attached?
Spring length = __________
i)  Add the mass stack, how long is the spring now? __________


ii) By how much longer is the spring (stretch)? __________
Add a 50 g mass. Record the reading on the meter ruler and the stretch of the spring.
mass __________     spring length __________     stretch __________
d) Repeat for 4 other masses. Record your experimental data in the box below.

e) Recording - Record your experimental data in the table below.
Force and Stretch of a Spring
Mass (g) Stretch (cm)
  0 0
2. Processing and Interpreting
  Processing - A Year 10 class carried out an investigation to find out if the compression of a spring was linked to the size of the mass put on it.

Their results are shown in the table below.

Mass added (kg) Height of spring (cm)
0 15.0
2 13.2
4 11.4
6 9.6
8 7.8
10 6.0
On the axes below, draw a graph for these results. Remember to think about:
  • a title for the graph;
  • labeled axis with scales;
  • which quantity must go on the x axis; and
  • is the graph to be a line or bar graph?
  Interpreting - Use your graph to answer the following questions.
a) What is the height of the spring if a 5 kg mass is added? __________ cm
What mass would be needed to make a spring have a height of 12.3 cm? __________ kg
Complete this sentence: Each time a mass of 1 kg is added, the height of the spring reduces by
__________ cm.  
3. Planning
A group of students decided to find out if the amount of stretch of a spring was effected by the thickness of the spring. Plan an experiment to test their idea. Remember to think about: 

  • the variables you will need to control;
  • the variable that you will change;
  • what you will measure; and
  • how you will make sure your results will be accurate.