Temperatures around our school

This task is about investigating temperature.

How to do this task

  1. Take the temperatures in the following places around your school using a thermometer.
  2. Hold the thermometer 10 cm off the ground each time.
  3. Record the temperatures in the table on the next page.
  4. Answer the questions that follow.

Question 2Change answer

Write down the temperatures for the places below.
Place Temperature (oC)
Inside your classroom
Inside the library
Outside on the asphalt playground
Outside on the grass playing ground or field
Inside the hall

Question 2Change answer

a) i)  From your table, which place is the warmest place in the school? 
   ii)  Explain why this place is warmer than the other areas.

Question 2Change answer

b)  i)  Which place is the coolest? 
    ii)  Explain why this place is cooler than the others.

Question 2Change answer

c) i)  Which room was the warmest, the library, classroom or the hall? 
   ii) Explain why this room was warmer than the others.

Question 1Change answer

d)  Explain how a thermometer works.