Falling play dough

This task is about acceleration and fair testing.
You will be investigating how much equal sized balls of play dough squash when dropped from the heights shown (0.5m, 1m, and 2m)
  1. Before you begin your investigation, complete parts a) and b). 
  2. Plan and carry out your investigation to test your prediction. 
  3. Complete part c).


diagram of 3 objects from different height
a)  Predict which ball will squash most when it hits the floor. Select your choice.
    • 1

    • 2

    • 3

    • All will be squashed equally

b) Explain why you think the answer you chose is correct.

Question 1Change answer

Plan and carry out your investigation to test your prediction.
Show your results here.

Question 1Change answer

c) Explain how your investigation gave you evidence for or against your prediction.

Question 1Change answer

Self-assessment sheet: Carrying out a fair test
My investigation question is: 
  1. I kept the size of the balls the same. YesNo
  2. I kept the shape of the balls the same. YesNo
  3. I carefully measured the distances. YesNo
  4. I recorded my results in a way that showed the information clearly. YesNo
  5. I planned how I would judge how squashed the balls were. YesNo
  6. I repeated the investigation to check that I got similar results. YesNo
  7. I used what I found out to think about the answer to the question. YesNo
One thing I need to improve next time I carry out a fair test is: