What do you know about the greenhouse effect?

This task is about the greenhouse effect on the Earth.
diagram of the greenhouse effect on the Earth


a)  What is the main part that "greenhouse gases" play in keeping the earth warm? (Select one)
    • They stop too much heat coming in from the sun.

    • They let heat from the sun through to warm the earth.

    • They make heat energy.

    • They absorb reflected heat that would otherwise head back out into space.


b)  Which of these greenhouse gases has the biggest warming effect?
    • carbon dioxide

    • ozone

    • carbon monoxide

    • CFCs

    • Methane

    • Sulphur dioxide

    • Nitrogen oxide

    • Water vapour

Explain your answer.

Question 2Change answer

c)  Which of the following changes could happen if the greenhouse effect gets bigger?
     Only select "yes" or "no" if you are certain you are right.
     If you are not sure, choose the "don't know" option, so the class can discuss this idea later.
Possible enhanced greenhouse effect
1.  New Zealand will be sunnier overall YesNoDon't know
2.  New Zealand will have less rain overall YesNoDon't know
3.  More people will get skin cancer YesNoDon't know
4.  The air will get dirtier YesNoDon't know
5.  Sea levels will rise around our coast YesNoDon't know
6.  Violent storms will happen more often YesNoDon't know
7.  Winters will get colder in New Zealand YesNoDon't know
8.  Our glaciers will shrink YesNoDon't know