Stars in our sky

This task is about summarising information about stars to complete a table.

Question 1Change answer

Read this information about stars:
Visibly the brightest star in our night sky is Sirius. It has a luminosity 23 times that of our Sun. Sirius is an example of a type of star called main sequence stars and has a surface temperature of 10 000°C. The type of star known as supergiants, e.g., Antares and Betelgeuse, are much cooler (under 3 000°C) but have a greater luminosity (700 times) because of their size. Another star type, the white dwarfs, e.g., Procyon B have temperatures around 15 000°C but are only 1/100 the brightness of the Sun.

Complete the table to show all the above information:

Star type Star example Temp (°C)  Luminosity
Main sequence      
White dwarfs