The tilt of the Earth

This task is about the Sun, the Earth and day and night.
diagram - sun's rays hitting the tilted earth
Here is a diagram of the Sun's rays hitting the Earth.
Use it to help answer the following questions.


a)  Name the hemisphere which is having summer.
    • Northern hemisphere

    • Southern hemisphere


b)  Which two letters represent areas in daylight? (Choose two)
    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D


c)  Which area is having a 'short' night?
    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D


d)  How many hours of sunlight and darkness would a person in the Arctic experience over a 24 hour period?
    • 24 hours sunlight

    • 8 hours sunlight, 16 hours darkness

    • 12 hours sunlight, 12 hours darkness

    • 24 hours darkness