Investigating crater impact

This task is about investigating impact craters.

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How to do this task  
  • Collect a tray of damp sand, two different sized marbles, and a tape measure or 1 metre ruler.
  • When a marble is dropped into a tray of sand it will make a crater.
  • Complete the table below for crater size when dropping different sized marbles from different heights. Take the marbles out to measure crater size.
a)  Complete this table for your results.
Dropped from 50 cm
Dropped from 150 cm
Small marble Width
Large marble Width

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b)  What did you find out?

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c)  Here is a diagram of some craters on the Moon.
     From looking at this diagram what information would you be able to tell people about these craters?
     Write as much information as you can. One example is done for you.
     Crater B was made first.