About the Moon

This task is about interpreting a diagram of the phases of the moon.
Look at the diagram of the four phases of the Moon.
diagram of the four phases of the moon


a)  The time it takes for the Moon to go from a new moon phase to a full moon and back to a new moon
     is about ...
    • one night

    • 14 days

    • 28 days

    • 365 days


b)  During a week, the Moon's shape appears to change.
     Why does this happen?
    • The clouds in the night sky cause optical illusions.

    • The light from the Moon increases and decreases over time.

    • The Moon changes its position relative to the Sun and the Earth.

    • Atmospheric conditions on Earth distort the Moon's image.

    • The Sun's light is not reflected evenly by the Moon's cratered surface.

Question 2Change answer

c)  The diagram shows four phases of the Moon as it orbits the Earth.
     If the Moon was directly above you, which position on the Earth (1, 2, 3, or 4)
     would you have to be in to see a ..  
new moon
new moon? Position 1234
third quarter moon
third quarter? Position 1234