The Hubble Space Telescope

This task is about the Hubble Space Telescope.  

The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was placed into an orbit around the Earth at an altitude of 610 km in April 1990. The Hubble weighs 11 tonnes on the Earth.

labelled diagram of the Hubble telescope

Source: Image: Nasa, Public domain 

Question 2Change answer

a)  What would be the function of these parts on the HST?
     i)  Antenna:       
     ii) Solar panels: 

Question 2Change answer

b)  What is the main advantage of having a telescope above the Earth's atmosphere instead of on the Earth's surface?


c)  The scientific instruments on the HST measure all of the following about stars and distant faint objects except their
    • composition

    • origin

    • motion

    • brightness

    • temperature

Explain your answer.