Inside the Earth

This task is about using information to draw and label a diagram of the Earth's interior

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Read the following information about the Earth's interior.
It is 6370 kilometres from the surface of the Earth to its centre. The Earth's interior consists of two main parts: the mantle and the inner part called the core. The mantle is 2900 km thick. The core consists of two parts; the outer section is the liquid core which is 2100 km thick, and the inner section is the solid core; its temperature can reach 6000°C. The outermost part of the mantle is the Earth's crust. It can be from 5 to 65 km thick. The temperature under the crust is about 1000°C. This increases to 4000°C at the boundary between the mantle and the core.
Draw a scale diagram of the Earth's interior. Label each layer and write the temperatures given above in the correct places. Use this scale to help do your drawing.