Geological time scale

This task is about reading information from a geological time scale.
Use the Geological Time Scale to answer these questions.

Question 1Change answer

a)  What is the oldest 'Era' shown on this scale? 

Question 1Change answer

b)  What is the most recent 'Sub-era'?

Question 2Change answer

c)  How long did the Permian 'Sub-era' last?   million years 

Question 3Change answer

d)  A group of dinosaurs called Stegosaurs roamed the Earth between 188 and 65 million years ago.
    What was the main 'Sub-era' they lived in?

Question 4Change answer

e)  What does the z stand for in the abbreviation Pz?

Question 5Change answer

f)  Why do scientists use abbreviations for time periods?