Treasure map features

This task is about describing land features.

A pirate captain and two other pirates have landed on the beach.
They have come to get their buried gold.
They are using this map to find their way.

Question 3Change answer

a)  The pirates had never seen a river before. Tell the pirates what rivers are.
clue: once we have crossed the rivers we musg find a cliff

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b) Tell the pirates what a cliff is.

Question 2Change answer

The pirates did this, and then walked up the Valley of Bats to get to the mountains.
c) What are mountains?

Question 2Change answer

The pirates got their gold. They now need to walk back to the beach. They will follow the path marked by  from 'X' on the map to 'Y' on the map.
d)  Name two land features they go past on the walk from 'X' to 'Y'.   

Question 3Change answer

e)  What do we call a piece of land with the sea all around it?