Beach clean-up

This task is about using evidence to support statements.
At a clean-up of rubbish at a popular New Zealand city beach 18kg of litter was picked up in one afternoon. 
The table shows the percentages of different types of litter collected.
Type of litter
% of total litter picked up
Plastic    37% plastic sheet, including filters on cigarette butts
               23% plastic foam
               16% hard plastic
Metal 12
Paper 5
Glass 3
Other 1

Question 2Change answer

1.  From reading the table, what can you say about the rubbish picked up? (Select one for each question.)
i)    76 pieces of plastic litter were picked up.                                               TrueThere is not enough information to tell
ii)   There was a greater percentage of paper picked up than glass.              TrueThere is not enough information to tell
iii)  Cigarette filters are made from plastic.                                                  TrueThere is not enough information to tell
iv)  There were more beer cans than beer bottles left on the beach.             TrueThere is not enough information to tell 
v)   Plastic litter is dangerous for crabs.                                                        TrueThere is not enough information to tell

Question 1Change answer

2.  Give as many reasons as you can think of for why plastic is the most common rubbish.