Where did the water go?

This task is about water that seems to disappear.
two jars with water
Tom's jar                                                                    Simon's jar                  
Tom and Simon left their jars of water on the window sill for a week.

Question 2Change answer

a)  After a week one jar still had 1 cm water in it but the other jar was empty.  
i) Whose jar was emptyTom's jarSimon's jar 
ii) Where did the water go?
iii) Explain why the other jar still had water in it.

Question 2Change answer

b)  i) Does the process of evaporation take place in both jars? (Choose one) YesNo
     ii) Explain why you think this. 

Question 2Change answer

c)  Maria said "That one is just like the Earth's water cycle".
     i)  Whose jar was she talking about? Tom's jarSimon's jar
     ii) What do you think she meant? In what ways is it like the water cycle?