A winters day

This task is about recognising physical and chemical changes.
A physical change is reversible and no new substance is made; a chemical change is not reversible and a new substance is made.
When a candle burns, a physical and a chemical change occurs.
What is the physical change? ______________________________

What is the chemical change? ______________________________
Read the paragraph below, then complete the table by:
  1. identifying three other changes mentioned in the paragraph and;
  2. circling whether each of the six changes is physical or chemical
Amanda sat beside the roaring fire watching the wood burn. She slowly stirred her coffee to dissolve the sugar. The cake cooking in the oven made steam condense on the window.
Amanda looked outside; the snow had started melting. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise. Was it dynamite exploding?
No, it was much worse! Her car's petrol tank burst into flames.  

Change (mentioned in the paragraph)

Physical or chemical change

Wood burning a)         physical / chemical
Steam condensing b)         physical / chemical
Dynamite exploding c)         physical / chemical
d) g)         physical / chemical
e) h)         physical / chemical
f) i)          physical / chemical