Properties of carbon dioxide

Properties of carbon dioxide

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Further Resources
This task is about identifying physical and chemical properties.
Ali did the mind map above to show some of the properties of carbon dioxide.
The properties of carbon dioxide are either a chemical or a physical property.

Question Change answer

Put each property into the correct box below.
has no smell
turns litmus solution pink
a gas at room temperature
turns limewater milky
heavier than air
does not burn
Chemical properties
Physical properties
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online (with auto-marking displayed to students).
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students are given a mind map showing some properties of carbon dioxide. Students identify each of these as either a physical or chemical property.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Use evidence

This resource provides opportunities to discuss how criteria and data/evidence is used to support decisions.


Y10 (11/2002)

Chemical properties 

  • does not burn
  • turns litmus solution pink
  • turns limewater milky 

Physical properties 

  • a gas at room temperature
  • colourless
  • has no smell
  • heavier than air

7 correct - difficult

6 correct - moderate

5 correct - easy

Diagnostic and formative information: 
Analysis of correct responses
The percentage of students who correctly placed each property:
Does not burn: 61%
Turns litmus solution pink: 78%
Turns limewater milky: 78%
A gas at room temperature: 39%
Colourless: 79%
Has no smell: 75%
Heavier than air: 69%