Paper money for Monopoly (version A)

This task is about asking useful questions to investigate the properties of paper.
A class of Year 6 students are creating a ‘Pasifika’ version of Monopoly. They would like to ‘make’ their own money but cannot decide on which paper to use for their game.
In order to make a good decision, students thought of questions to investigate that would help them decide the type of paper to use for their monopoly game.
Draw a line from the everyday property term to match with its everyday meaning.
Everyday property term
Tearing resistance  •

Grease resistance  •

Fade-ability  •

Texture  •

Elasticity  •

See-throughness  •

Bendiness  •

Fold resistance  •

Durability  •
Everyday meaning

• Material does not fade quickly when out in light all the time.

• Material able to stretch easily.

• Material does not tear easily.

• Material can be smooth or rough or in between.

• Material does not fold easily.

• Material lasts a long time.

• Material lets light through and able to see images on the other side.

• Material does not absorb grease easily.

• Material bends easily.
The following are properties of paper using everyday language: durability, bendiness, fold resistance, elasticity, grease resistance, see-throughness, texture, fade-ability, tear resistance. They may be helpful in answering the questions in the second column of the chart below.
b) Complete the table below. The first one is done for you. You may want to return to ‘a)’ to help you complete column 2.
1. Questions to investigate 2. What is the paper property being investigated in this question? 3. Will this question help you to make a decision on the type of paper? 4. Give a reason why this question would / would not help you make a decision about which paper to use.
Which paper creases the least?
fold resistance
NO Will help because we don’t want the money to keep their folds otherwise we can’t see how much they are worth.
Which paper bends most easily?   YES NO
How long will the colour remain before it fades?   YES NO
Which paper can be photocopied on both sides without showing on the other side?   YES NO  
How long can the different papers be used?   YES NO
If you investigated ALL the questions identified as ‘YES’ in column 3 of the table in ‘b)’, how might this help the Year 6 students decide which paper to use for making monopoly money?
Students from another Year 6 class believe that another paper property needs to be investigated before a decision is made.
Which property is in ‘a)’ but is not found in the table of ‘b)’? ____________________
My question to investigate for the property mentioned in d) i) above is:
My reason why this question will help the students make a decision is: