
This task is about sorting alcohols by particle size and boiling point.
  • An ethanol particle is larger than a methanol particle.
  • An ethanol particle is smaller than a propan-1-ol particle.
  • Ethanol has a higher boiling point than methanol.
  • Propan-1-ol has a higher boiling point than ethanol.
Use this information to answer the following questions.

Question Change answer

a)  Place in order ethanol, methanol, and propan-1-ol from the smallest to largest particle.
  • ethanol
  • propan-1-ol
  • methanol

Question Change answer

b)  Place in order the three chemicals from the lowest boiling point to the highest boiling point.
  • ethanol
  • propan-1-ol
  • methanol

Question 2Change answer

c)  What conclusion can you draw about the relationship between particle size and boiling point?