Which type of sugar dissolves best?

This task is about what to keep the same or change for a fair test.

Sugar dissolves easily in water. Jane set up the following experiment to see which type of sugar dissolves best. 

The sugars tested were: 

  • White sugar
  • Brown sugar
  • Icing sugar
  • Castor sugar
Spoonfuls of sugar were added to the water one at a time. The solution was stirred until no more sugar dissolved. The number of spoonfuls was counted. Fresh water was used for each test.
For this to be a fair test which of the following would need to be kept the same?


Kept the same?
Circle yes or no

a)   The temperature of the water

Yes / No

b)   The type of sugar

Yes / No

c)   The volume of water

Yes / No

d)   The amount of stirring

Yes / No

e)   The size of the spoon

Yes / No