Copper sulphate solutions

This task is about concentration of copper sulphate solutions.

Question Change answer

Four solutions of copper sulphate were made by dissolving blue copper sulfate crystals in water.

a)  Put the beakers in order from darkest blue to lightest blue solution.

  • A.png
  • B
  • C
  • D

Question 2Change answer

b)  Solutions A and B were then mixed together.
     How much water and crystals should be added to make the same colour and volume as D?
i)  Water    ml

ii) Crystals   g


c)  What is the best definition for the term "concentration", in this context.
     Choose one
    • the amount of substance in a given volume of solution

    • the stage at which no more of a substance can be dissolved into a solution

    • a mixture of crystals and water

    • paying attention to the details