Find the best solvent

This task is about carrying out a practical task to find out which of two liquids are solvents for any three given solids.

How to do this task:

  • Plan and carry out a "fair test" to find out which liquid is the best solvent. (A solvent is able to dissolve another substance, usually a solid).
  • Complete the results table and write a conclusion.
  • Liquids to use: water and cooking oil.
  • Solids to use: salt, sugar, and cocoa.
  • You might like to think about:

What does "best" mean?
What are you going to measure?
What will you need to keep the same?
Will it be a "fair test"?

a) Describe how you are going to carry out your fair test.


Write your results in the table below.
Liquids Solids
Salt Sugar Cocoa
Cooking oil      
c) What was your conclusion?