Freezing and melting points

This task is about freezing and melting points of some liquids.


Not everything will freeze when left in a freezer! The temperature inside a freezer is ¯4°C. 
Below is a table of the melting points for three substances which are all liquids at room temperature.
Substance Melting point (°C)
methylated spirits (meths)
(mostly ethanol)
petrol (mostly octane)
ethanoic acid

(used to make vinegar)

Three 500 mL bottles are each half-filled with the liquids and were placed in a freezer overnight.
a)   Which liquid(s) would be frozen the next day? 
    • Methylated spirits

    • Petrol

    • Ethanoic acid

Question 1Change answer

b) Explain, in terms of particles, what has happened when a liquid has frozen.

Question 1Change answer

c)   Will the level in the frozen bottle(s) be higher or lower than before?
Explain your answer in terms of the particles.