Farming and climate change

This task is about using and comparing different science texts.

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Farming generates greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Farming also creates much of New Zealand's wealth so this is an issue we need to deal with. Let's think about two carbon-based greenhouse gases – methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). New Zealand's farm animals fart and burp methane gas as they go about their daily living. Of course, like us, they also breathe out carbon dioxide. Their wee and poo goes onto the ground where it gets broken down by soil microbes which produces even more carbon dioxide!
a)  Use the written text to help you work out how to compete the flow chart.
     Place the words in the correct boxes in the flowchart.
Image counting main image

Question 2Change answer

b)  What is one idea in the written text that you can't get from looking at the flow chart?

Question 2Change answer

c)  What is one advantage the flow chart has over the written text?

Question 2Change answer

d)  From the texts, give an example of something that is described by scientists in one way and in everyday language in a different way.