Paradise Ducks' life cycle

This task is about the life cycle of a paradise duck.

Question Change answer

a)  Sort the four pictures of the Paradise Duck in order from the youngest to oldest.
  • paradise-duck-150.png
  • little-ducks-ii-150.png
  • Shelduck-eggs-150.png
  • little-ducks-150.png

Question 1Change answer

Shelduck eggs   little ducks
b)  Write down some ways that the Paradise duck has changed from the first picture to second picture.

Question 1Change answer

little-ducks-280.png   little-ducks-ii-280.png
c)  Write down some ways that the Paradise duck has changed from the first picture to second picture.

Question 1Change answer

little-ducks-280.png   paradise-duck-280.png 
d)  Write down some ways that the Paradise duck has changed from the first picture to second picture.

Question 1Change answer

Shelduck-eggs-150.png paradise-duck-150.png little-ducks-ii-150.png little-ducks-150.png
d)  Paradise Ducks belong to the larger animal group known as birds.
     Write down three ways that you can tell a duck is a bird.