
This task is about finding information in a text.
Fact file:

  • The tuatara is found only in New Zealand.
  • Tuatara are now found only on small islands off the coast of New Zealand because of animals such as wild cats, rodents, and pigs.
  • Tuatara are carnivores, they eat insects and sometimes small lizards.
  • A tuatara can live up to 100 years.
  • The female lays 8-15 eggs once every 3 to 4 years.
  • There are 50,000-60,000 tuatara left; but half of these are found on one island; Stephens Island in Cook Strait.

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a)  Why are tuatara not found in the North or South Island?


b)  Which one of the following animals would the tuatara be most likely to eat?
    • Small birds

    • Rats

    • Beetles

    • Frogs

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c)  Which one part of the tuatara breeding pattern may have helped cause a decrease in their numbers?

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d)  On some offshore islands where tuatara are found there are still kiore or Polynesian rats.
     How could this rat affect the numbers of tuatara?