Shasta daisy and dye

This task is about conducting an investigation, and making and explaining observations.

How to do this task:

  1. The flower you have been given is a shasta daisy.
  2. Split the bottom third of the stem lengthwise into three sections.
  3. Place one section of the stem in a 100 mL beaker half full of water.
  4. Place another section of the stem in a 100 mL beaker half full of water plus 2 drops of red food colouring.
  5. Place the third section of the stem in a 100 mL beaker half full of water plus 2 drops of blue food colouring.
  6. Leave this set-up for 24 hours. (See diagram below.)
shasta daisy experiment
Plant Notes
These plant cells transport water from the roots to the rest of the plant.
Transpiration is a process where water is lost from the plant through leaves and flowers etc.

Question 2Change answer

a)  Write down all your observations.

Question 2Change answer

transpiration         xylem         diffusion         water movement
b)  Explain your results in a scientific manner, the words above might help you.