Exercise times

This task is about adding time.

Question 1Change answer

Exercises Harry's Times Stephen's Times
Warm up 1 min 00 sec 1 min 05 sec
Stretches 1 min 15 sec 1 min 05 sec
Knee bends 45 sec 50 sec
Press-ups 55 sec 1 min 00 sec
Jumping 1 min 05 sec 1 min 08 sec
Skipping 1 min 30 sec 1 min 32 sec
Weight lifting 55 sec 1 min 20 sec
Jogging 2 min 35 sec 2 min 05 sec
Total Time ? ?
a)  What was the total time it took Hari to do the exercises?  minutes: seconds
b)  What was the total time it took Stephen to do the exercises?  minutes: seconds