Sharks' fins

This task is about using a diagram and information on sharks' fins to answer questions.
Fact File:
  • Sharks are shaped a bit like aeroplanes, but move through water instead of air.
  • Sharks use their body and tail in a side to side motion to move through the water.
  • They have five different kinds of fins. Their fins control their movements.
  • Some fins are used for balance.
  • Some fins are used for steering.
  • Some fins are used for moving upwards or downwards.
  • Some fins are used for moving the shark forwards.  
Study the diagram of the shark and read the fact file to help you answer the following questions.

Question 2Change answer

a)  You can often see 2 fins of a shark when you are standing on a beach.
     Which fins are they likely to be?
     1.            2. 

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b)  People who have sighted a shark in the water often give an estimate of its size, even though
     they cannot see it clearly.  What might they use to estimate its size?

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c)  i)  Which fins would be the most important for moving the shark forward through the water?
     ii) Give a reason for your answer.

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d)  i)   Which fins would be the most important for moving the shark upwards or downwards?
     ii)  Give a reason for your answer.