
This task is about observing physical features of birds.
Parakeets are birds that belong to the parrot family. Kākāriki means 'small green parrot'. Below are photographs of three different kākāriki that are found in New Zealand.
Red-crowned parakeet
Antipodes parakeet
Orange-crowned parakeet
Look at the photographs of the parakeets (kākāriki) and then answer the following questions.

Question 2Change answer

a)  Carefully describe three ways that these parakeets look the same.

Question 2Change answer

b)  Look carefully at the photographs. Write down one way that each parakeet (kākāriki) looks different from the others.
Name of parakeet How is this parakeet different from the others
 Red-crowned parakeet
 Antipodes parakeet
Orange-crowned parakeet

Question 1Change answer

Red-crowned parakeet
c)  Look at the photograph above of the Red-crowned parakeet.
     Explain how the parakeet's beak would help it to survive in the wild.