Archey's Frog

This task is about adaptations and using this knowledge to think about actions to manage endangered species.

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Here are some patterns that scientists have observed about frogs.
Frogs' skin: Skin is very important to frogs. Their skin is adapted so water and oxygen can pass through it into the frog's body. Why is their skin adapted in this way? 
Like us, frogs breathe through lungs. However, their  lungs are not well developed, so they get extra oxygen through their skin. They get their water through their skin too, instead of drinking through their mouths. Frogs' skin has to be damp so water and oxygen can pass through. This is why most frogs live close to streams, ponds and swamps.
To show how frogs and humans are the same and different, drag the statements to fill in the Venn diagram.
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Archey’s frog is one of New Zealand’s native frogs. Archey's frogs are different from most frogs, because they do not need to live close to streams or ponds. However, like other frogs, they need their skin damp so they can take in oxygen and water.
In the table below are some observations (things scientists have noticed) about Archey's frogs. Drag the explanations below that best explain each observation.
archey's frog
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Chytrid fungus is a disease that is killing frogs around the world, including Archey's frogs.
The video is about threats to Archey's frogs.
Move the slider to 2 minutes of playing time to listen to the information about chytrid fungus.
From the evidence the video clip has provided, which are possible explanations for why chytrid fungus may be killing off Archey's frogs? (Select as many as you think could be true.)
    • The frogs might not be able to take in oxygen so well.

    • It eats away the frogs' insides.

    • It can cause slight redness on the stomachs and legs of the frogs

    • The frogs might not get enough water.

    • It damages the skin.

    • Archey's frogs are endangered.

Question 1Change answer

Archey's frogs are endangered. Because they were found in only one place, scientists shifted some of them to a new home. Now if anything happens there is a better chance that some Archey's frogs will survive.

Why would scientists need to understand the adaptations of Archey's frogs when deciding where to put them?
Give as many reasons as you can.