Tides, moon and solar eclipse

This task is about the interactions between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon.
This is a diagram of the Sun, Earth and the Moon. Events we experience on Earth can be caused by the different positions and movements of the Earth and moon relative to each other. 
diagram of the sun, earth and moon
[Diagram: Not to scale]


a)  What is the main cause of the rise and fall of the oceans to produce high and low tides?
    • The pull of the Sun's gravity.

    • The Earth tilting on its axis as it spins.

    • The heating and cooling of the world's oceans as they move from day to night.

    • The Moon's gravitational pull.


b)  In which direction should you look just after sunset to see a rising full Moon?
    • North

    • South

    • East

    • West


c)  During an eclipse of the Sun (solar eclipse) the Moon is able to block out most of the Sun's light because the ...
    • Earth and the Moon are orbiting at their slowest rates.

    • Moon is at its closest point in its orbit around the Earth.

    • Earth's atmosphere distorts the weak sunlight reflected from the Moon's surface.

    • Moon is much closer to the Earth than is the Sun.

    • Moon's white colour and relatively smooth surface bend the light away from the Earth.