Finding stars
This task is about identifying things on a map of the night sky.
How to do this task
Hold Star Map A in front of you, and with your arm, point out to another student a place in the sky where you would see:
b) | i) |
On Star Map A write the number 1 where you think the Southern Cross will be 2 hours later at midnight.
ii) |
Now write the number 2 where you think the Southern Cross will be at 2:00 a.m.
iii) |
Now write the number 3 on your map where you think the Southern Cross will be at 4:00 a.m.
c) |
Which of these lines would you use to join your numbers in question b)?
Use the line you chose in c) above, to join the numbers on Star Map A.
Star map A - SOUTH
New Zealand star map - south view for mid February at approximately 10:00 p.m.
Below is another star map for a month later in the year, but the Southern Cross and the Pointers have been left out.
Draw an X on this star map to show the area where these would be.
Star Map B - SOUTH
(a month later) |