Germinating bean seed

Germinating bean seed

Online interactive
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Further Resources
This task is about how a bean seed grows into a plant.

Question Change answer

Put the pictures of a bean seed growing in the right order.


germinating bean seed
Look carefully at the pictures.
What starts growing first?
    • The leaves

    • The flowers

    • The roots.

Task administration: 
This task is completed online and has auto-marking displayed to students.
One trial teacher used this task as a quick check of students' knowledge of germination before beginning teaching.
She found through the task and discussion with students that they knew more than she had thought. This information was used to plan for activities that were appropriate for extending her students.
1, 2
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Task: Sequence drawings of a bean seedling to show order of events during germination. Assessment focus: germination.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask. 
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss how careful observations lead to inferences in science. 
Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss diagrams that represent science understandings
Making Better Sense: 
Correct order
What starts growing first? Roots
Diagnostic and formative information: 

Most Year 3 students were able to complete this task accurately, even when they had no background knowledge of growing seeds. Some students may be applying logical thinking (a useful skill in science) to complete the sequence rather than actually "knowing".

To find out what cues students are using ask them to give reasons for selecting the order they have.

Next steps: 

The following activities relate to Capability 1: Gather and Interpret data


Get students to look carefully at the pictures in sequence and describe what happens to the seed.



  • Why do you think the roots grow before the stem and leaves?
  • What do you think may have happened to the bean seed?
  • Do you think all seeds grow in this order? Why do you think this (what evidence do you have?)
  • How could we find out?

The following activity relates to Capability 1, and Capability 2: Use Evidence


Grow a bean seed (or other seeds) in a clear container so students can see the germination process.  (You could use Activity 1, page 15 in Section 3 of the BSC booklet, Flowers, fruits, and seeds.)

Does the evidence they collect confirm or disconfirm their ideas?

Ministry of Education (2002). Building Science Concepts,  Book 25, Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds.Wellington: Learning Media.