Get the drawing pin out

Get the drawing pin out

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This task is about how magnets work.

Question 1Change answer

Explain how you can use the magnet to get the drawing pin out of the glass without putting the magnet in the glass, touching the glass with your hands, or spilling the water.
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online.
Description of task: 
Task: Explain how to use the magnet to remove a drawing pin out of a glass of water without putting the magnet in the glass, touching the glass with hands, or spilling the water. Assessment focus: using knowledge of magnetism to solve a problem.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Gather and interpret data
This resource provides opportunities to discuss 
  • that predicting is not guessing, but applying science understandings to a specific context.
  • sometimes predicting can be about imagining what might happen.
Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 

Y5 (03/1999)

Hold the magnet against the glass (next to the drawing pin).
Pull/drag the magnet along the glass (to the surface of the water).
2 correct – difficult
1 correct – moderate