Ice in water

Ice in water

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This task is about flotation.


a)  Which diagram correctly shows what happens to an ice cube when it is put in a glass of water?
    • ice cube floating on top of water

    • ice cube floating in water; half in the water and half above

    • ice cube floating in water half way

    • ice cube at the bottom of the water


Your answer was:


  • ice cube floating on top of water

  • ice cube floating in water; half in the water and half above

  • ice cube floating in water half way

  • ice cube at the bottom of the water

b)  The answer you chose is correct because ...
    • cold things sink in warm water

    • cold things float in warm water

    • ice is lighter than water

    • ice is heavier than water

Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Task: Select which picture correctly shows an ice cube in a glass of water and select correct explanation. Assessment focus: density of ice.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.

Capability: Use evidence

This resource provides opportunities to discuss using logical reasoning and developing science understandings to select the most plausible inference.sing evidence to support an explanation.
Science capabilities: 
Y7 (03/1998)
ice cube floating in water; half in the water and half above
b) C [ ice is lighter than water] moderate
Diagnostic and formative information: 


Common errors


Option D was selected by 35% of students.
Option A was selected by 22% of students.


Option D was selected by 36% of students.