Identifying gases

Identifying gases

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This task is about using a key to identify gases.

Question 1Change answer

Use the key to identify the gases in the jars labelled A to D.
Key to identifying gases
1.    Is the gas colourless? Yes
go to 2
⇒nitrogen dioxide
2.    Is the gas soluble in water? Yes
go to 3
go to 4
3.    Does the gas turn moist litmus pink? Yes
⇒carbon dioxide
4.    Is the gas less dense than air? Yes
Jar A
Jar A: colourless, insoluble, neutral, and less dense than air
Jar B
Jar B: brown, soluble, acidic, and denser than air
Jar C
 Jar C: colourless, soluble, acidic, and denser than air
Jar D
Jar D: colourless, soluble, basic and less dense than air
Gas? Nitrogen dioxideCarbon dioxideAmmoniaHydrogenOxygen
Gas? Nitrogen dioxideCarbon dioxideAmmoniaHydrogenOxygen
Gas? Nitrogen dioxideCarbon dioxideAmmoniaHydrogenOxygen
Gas? Nitrogen dioxideCarbon dioxideAmmoniaHydrogenOxygen
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online (with auto-marking displayed to students).
Description of task: 
Students are given some information about four gases. They use this information and a key to identify the four gases.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.

Capability: Interpret representations
This resource provides opportunities to discuss the purposes of identification keys and how to read them.
Science capability: Interpret representations (TKI)
Science capabilities: 
   Y10 (05/1999)
Jar A     Hydrogen
Jar B     Nitrogen dioxide
Jar C     Carbon dioxide
Jar D     Ammonia