Kākāpō II

Kākāpō II

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This task is about answering questions about the kākāpō.
images of a kākāpō
Some notes:

  • There are only about 250 kākāpō left in the world. At one time there were only 52.
  • The kākāpō is found only in New Zealand.
  • It is nocturnal, i.e., sleeps in the daytime.
  • It is flightless.
  • The feathers are yellow-green.
  • In the breeding season males make a low, booming sound.
  • It is the heaviest parrot in the world.
  • Kākāpō breed only once every 2-4 years.
  • Introduced mammalian predators like rats, stoats and cats are a problem for kākāpō survival.
  • The Department of Conservation moved the birds to predator free islands to breed.

Question 2Change answer

a)  Name two things that make the kākāpō different from other parrots.

Question 2Change answer

b)  Write two reasons why the kākāpō numbers went from thousands to only about 50.

Question 2Change answer

c)  The Department of Conservation moved some birds to islands like Whenua Hou | Codfish Island and Hauturu | Little Barrier Island.
     Why are the kākāpō more likely to survive and breed on these islands?
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pen and paper or online (with NO auto-marking).
Description of task: 
Students read some notes about kākāpō, and answer questions on how the kākāpō is distinct from other parrots, and why these birds are endangered.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Use evidence
This resource provides opportunities to discuss using evidence  to support explanations. 
Science capabilities: 
Making Better Sense: 

Y6 (07/1997)

a) Any 2 of:

•   Flightless (nearly).
•   Size (weight).
•   Nocturnal.
•   Not many left.
•   Breed once every 2-4 years.

2 correct – moderate

1 correct – very easy

b) Any 2 of:

•   Slow breeders/only breed every 2-4 years.
•   Eggs/chicks preyed upon by rats and stoats.
•   Hunted for food.
•   Flightless so more easily preyed upon by cats, dogs etc.

2 correct – very difficult

1 correct – easy

c) Any 2 of:

•   Islands are free from predators.
•   Better food supply/source.
•   Better chance of kākāpō meeting for breeding.
•   Department of Conservation can monitor birds more easily.

2 correct – very difficult

1 correct – moderate

The NZ Department of Conservation run the Kākāpō Recovery Programme with Kākāpō Recovery: Conservation education resources.