Lights and bells 0 Overview Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Working with Students This task is about reading a circuit diagram. Question What happens when the switch is open, as in the diagram? The bulb is lit, but the bell does not ring. The bulb is not lit and the bell does not ring The bulb is lit and the bell rings. The bell rings, but the bulb is not lit. No current flows from the batteries. Explain your answer. Level: 4 Curriculum info: Science, Communicating in science, Physical World Keywords: physics concepts, electricity, circuits, switches Description of task: Task: Answer a multiple choice question and explain the reason for choice. Assessment focus: simple circuits and switches. Curriculum Links: Science capabilities The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask. Capability: Interpret representations This resource provides opportunities to discuss the science conventions of circuit diagrams. Science capability: Interpret representations (TKI) Science capabilities: Interpret representations Making Better Sense: Circuits Answers/responses: Y8 (8/98) a) The bulb is lit, but the bell does not ring. difficult b) A response that indicates that there is a complete circuit for the bulb but not for the bell. difficult Diagnostic and formative information: Common error a) Option B chosen by 27% of students. Option C chosen by 29% of students.