Loads on trucks

Loads on trucks

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This task is about the balance of a truck as it goes around a corner.

Question 1Change answer

different loads on four trucks
Each of the four trucks is carrying an identical load of heavy crates.
Which truck is least likely to roll over as it is driven around a corner at high speed? 1234
Give two reasons why the truck you chose is least likely to roll over.
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online with auto-marking.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students select from four pictures of laden trucks which is least likely to roll over when cornering, and explain their predictions. This resource assesses students' understanding of centre of gravity.

Y8 (10/1997)

a) Truck 2 easy
Any 2 of:
•    Low centre of gravity, the load is distributed evenly, therefore it is unlikely to move, this otherwise would cause problems going around a corner.
•    Wide wheel base.
•    Fatter wheels.
2 correct – easy

1 correct – very easy