Low energy home

Low energy home

Pencil and paperOnline interactive
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This task is about design features of a low energy house. 
Your task is to design a low energy home.
A low energy home has features that save energy and use renewable energy sources.
Draw your house in the box on the next page.
  1. Label four special energy saving or renewable features in your house.
  2. Name the power sources you have used in your house.
  3. Explain how these features help save energy.

Question Change answer

Label four special energy saving or renewable features in your house. Name the power sources you have used in your house. Explain how these features help save energy.
Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online.
  • Give the students the worksheet about designing a low energy house.
  • Once the students have designed their low energy house say: "What is it about this house which saves energy?" Prompt the students to name power sources they have used and describe at least 4 energy-saving features of their house, e.g., "What is the power source for this feature?" or "How does this feature help to save energy?"
Description of task: 
Students design a low energy house.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Engage with science
This resource provides opportunities to discuss why particular actions address a science issue. 
Science capabilities: 
Energy saving features, e.g.:

  • Curtains/carpets (Explanation: insulation/keeps the heat in/need less heating in house).
  • Thick walls/Batts (insulation).
  • Double glazing/thick glass (insulation).
  • House building materials renewable, e.g., wood/adobe (renewable).
  • Any other energy saving feature.

Uses renewable energy sources, e.g.:

  • Wood burning fires – open or in a burner.
  • Wind powered energy source.
  • Running water energy source.
  • Solar powered energy source.
  • Passive solar heating, e.g. dark tiles.
  • Appliances which use renewable energy sources, e.g., solar powered water heater.

[Note: coal and gas energy sources are not renewable.]