Making lead float 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Further Resources This task is about what makes something float. Question A lump of lead placed in water sinks. But the same lump of lead rolled out to make a piece of lead foil floats when made into a boat shape. This is because ... the lead foil is thinner and therefore lighter. air is trapped in the rolled-out lead which makes it buoyant. the boat shape displaces a greater mass of water than the lump of lead. the water's surface tension can support the mass of the thin lead. Task administration: This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online with auto-marking. Copyright: Image: Rijksmuseum, Public domain. Level: 5 Curriculum info: Science, Knowledge, Physical World Keywords: physics concepts, flotation, displacement Description of task: Task: Answer a multiple choice question. Assessment focus: displacement. Answers/responses: Y10 (03/1998) The boat shape displaces a greater mass of water than the lump of lead (C). difficult Floating eggs Where will the wood float?