A new element 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Further Resources This task is about how to find out if something is a metal. Question 1Change answer Imagine you are a scientist who has discovered a new element. The element is an orange coloured solid. In the table below, write four tests you could try with the new element to see if it is a metal. Write the results you would expect if it was a metal. Imagine you are a scientist who has discovered a new element. The element is an orange coloured solid. In the table below, write four tests you could try with the new element to see if it is a metal. Write the results you would expect if it was a metal. Test 1 Results which would show the element is a metal Question 2Change answer Test 2 Results which would show the element is a metal Question 3Change answer Test 3 Results which would show the element is a metal Question 4Change answer Test 4 Results which would show the element is a metal Task administration: This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online. Level: 5 Curriculum info: Science, Knowledge, Material World, Understanding about science, Material World Keywords: properties, metals Description of task: Students outline four tests they could do to find out if a newly described substance is a metal. Curriculum Links: Science capabilities The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask. Capability: Gather and interpret data This resource provides opportunities to use their emerging science knowledge of investigation processes.. Science capability: Gather and interpret data (Tāhūrangi) Science capabilities: Gather and interpret data Answers/responses: Y10 (07/1999) Examples of any 4 of: Test Does it conduct electricity? Does it conduct heat? Does it bend? Is it shiny? Does it react with acids? Does it melt? Result Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes/fizzes Melts only at high temperature/does not melt easily 4 correct – very difficult 3 correct – very difficult 2 correct – difficult 1 correct – moderate Is it a metal? Metal or non-metal Properties of copper