Plastic in the home

Plastic in the home

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This task is about the properties of plastic.

Question 1Change answer

illustration: house
Many things found in the home are made from plastic, e.g., pot handles, picnic plates, drink straws, lunch boxes, and cups.
What are three features of plastic that make it useful in the home?

Question 1Change answer

Question 1Change answer

Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper.
Curriculum info: 
Description of task: 
Students write down three features of plastic that makes it useful in the home.

Y8 (09/1998)

Any 3 of:

  • easy to shape.
  • long lasting/durable/strong/hard.
  • cheap.
  • doesn't break easily/flexible.
  • doesn't heat up/not good heat conductor.
  • non-toxic to food.
  • recyclable/can be used again.
  • light.
  • can be coloured.
  • water proof.
3 correct – difficult

2 correct – moderate

1 correct – easy