Static electricity investigation

Static electricity investigation

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This task is about critiqing the method used in an investigation.

Sandra did an experiment with static electricity. She ran a comb through her hair ten times and then held it over a pile of small pieces of paper.
She counted the number of pieces the comb picked up. She repeated the experiment three times.
Her results were:
Trial Number of pieces of paper picked up
1 3
2 7
3 5


a)  She noticed her results varied quite a bit.
    To make her experiment as fair as possible what is the best thing for her to do next?
    • Take another reading and see which of the three trials it is nearest.

    • Repeat the experiment with another comb.

    • Choose the highest reading.

    • Do the experiment several more times and average the readings.

    • Calculate the average of the three readings.


b)  Which of the following factors is most likely to increase the fairness of Sandra's test?
    • Possible changes in atmospheric conditions

    • Static electricity building up throughout the experiment

    • Sandra's decision to comb her hair a set number of times before each trial

    • Changing the distance Sandra held the comb above the paper

    •  Varying the shape of the pile of paper

Task administration: 
This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online with auto-marking.
Description of task: 
Students answer two multiple choice questions about fair testing in the context of static electricity.
Curriculum Links: 
Science capabilities
The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask.
Capability: Critique evidence
This resource provides opportunities to discuss the validity of the data collected using this investigative method.
Science capabilities: 

Y10 (09/1997)

a)  Do the experiment several more times and average the readings. moderate
b) Sandra's decision to comb her hair a set number of times before each trial moderate
Diagnostic and formative information: 
  Common errors
a) Option E was chosen by 25% of the students.
b) Option B was chosen by 26% of the students.