The Sun and New Zealand 0 Overview Using this Resource Connecting to the Curriculum Marking Student Responses Working with Students This task is about how the sun affects New Zealand. Question 1Change answer While the Earth orbits the Sun, the Earth is also spinning on its axis. While the Earth orbits the Sun, the Earth is also spinning on its axis. a) How long does it take for the Earth to complete one rotation on its axis? b) How long does it take for the Earth to orbit the Sun? Question New Zealand is located at point X on the map. The Earth spins in a West to East direction. Use the diagram to answer the following questions. c) What time of day is it in New Zealand? (A) In the evening, just after sunset (B) Nearly midnight (C) In the morning, just before sunrise (D) Late morning, around 11:00 a.m. (E) Approaching late afternoon, around 4:00 p.m. Question 1Change answer d) What season is it in New Zealand on the diagram? d) What season is it in New Zealand on the diagram? Task administration: This task can be completed with pencil and paper or online. Level: 4 Curriculum info: Science, Communicating in science, Planet Earth Keywords: astronomical systems, Earth's rotation, seasons, diagrams Description of task: Students are asked four short questions that explore their understanding of the Earth's rotation, Earth's revolution, and seasons. Curriculum Links: Science capabilities The capabilities focus is brought about by the conversations you have and the questions you ask. Capability: Interpret representations This resource provides opportunities to discuss the conventions of diagrams and how they clarify the meaning for the reader. the evidence provided in a diagram that can be used to make inferences. the role that science knowledge plays in being able to interpret a graph/diagram. Science capability: Interpret representations (Tāhūrangi) Science capabilities: Interpret representations Answers/responses: Y8 (05/1998) a) 24 hours/a day moderate b) 365 days/366 days/a year moderate c) (C) In the morning, just before sunrise moderate d) Summer difficult Diagnostic and formative information: Common error a) 19% gave the answer 1 year/365 days... b) 16% gave the answer 1 day/24 hours. c) Option A chosen by 22% of students. d) Breakdown of answers: Winter – chosen by 43% of students Spring – 10% Summer – 21% Autumn – 17% Other answer of no answer – 8%